Prom flashback

I wanna be one of the cool kids, so I’m posting (again) pictures from our prom night.

Here’s one where you can see the dress:

Going to... prom

And here’s me trying hard to look down her dress without actually appearing to be leering down her dress:

Just kids

1983. We stayed out all night. It was awesome. Just over four years later, we were married. Next Friday marks the 25th anniversary of our first (blind) date.

Other Awesome Prom Flashbacks You Really To Read:
Mrs. Flinger
Oh the Joys

C’mon, play along! You know you want to.

4 thoughts on “Prom flashback

  1. Man… I don’t know if I can find a picture from prom, but if I do… You bet I’ll post it. I was skinny, and we blew the minds of everyone there with his outfit. I wasn’t even dating the guy, but I felt a moral imperative to give him a date for the prom. Now I HAVE to find a picture.

    Ang’s last blog post..Not so much about the sex… sorta.

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