We’re forming a club and letting everyone in

This is too funny. I noticed another plethora of Google or Yahoo hits for “Emma Watson’s Breasts” in my statcounter. So I did what I sometimes do and clicked the link to see how I rank.

What’s funny is almost all of the other hits (there are six of them, wooooo) were also blogs wondering why people have found them for Emma Watson’s Breasts.

  1. …believe it or not people have been searching google in hopes of coming across emma watson’s decolletage (i will not say breasts again, besides she’s what 14…they’re not that big).
  2. Somebody managed to get here by searching for “chcoclate pictures”. Good grief, is my typing really that bad? *sighs* Oh, and I’ve now had a couple more people come here looking for Emma Watson’s breasts. What is it with these people? *shakes her head* Guess what guys?! I don’t have Emma Watson’s breasts! I never have and never will! They’re practically non-existant anyway!! *dies*
  3. And what is UP with Emma Watson’s breasts??? They suddenly DISAPPEAR. Check this out:

I think we should start a google bomb, perhaps. Something like “John Ashcroft loves Emma Watson’s Breasts”.