chicken little vs the ostritch

I know being a news junkie isn’t exactly good for my mood. If you look around, there is a lot of bad news to be found, and even a whole bunch of “kittens saved from tree” stories won’t quite offset it. I like to think I’m just being a realist, but in reality some part […]


That’s me, with my own horn. I walked, again, making it a whopping 2 days in a row. AND I only had one cup of coffee today (a big cup, but just one, no refills). Baby steps. BS for short. I’m celebrating my BS.

Too bad, so SAD

Have you seen Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfus in What About Bob? If you haven’t, go watch it, we’ll be waiting here when you get back. All done? Wasn’t that great? I love the sailing scenes. Anyway, one of the main points of the movie (that I can remember, I haven’t seen it in almost […]